Hate missing calls while on holiday?


Most VA’s don’t offer a call handling service, leaving this to the experts who have the equipment and time to concentrate on this service but I’m asked at least once every couple of weeks, do you offer call handling?

Most small business owners will feel duty bound to have their mobiles switched on whilst lying on the beach, making them unpopular with their family. Have you ever considered getting a call answering service while you are on holiday? If you have a high call rate, specialist Companies can be a godsend.

However, I was asked about providing a call answering service for a client and managed to come up with an affordable solution for him.  He wanted to pay me to sit in his office each day answering the phone, so I suggested he bought a cheap mobile and SIM, to which the office phone could be diverted to.  So instead of him having to incur high costs for his office to be manned for a few phone calls, I carried the mobile phone around with me, taking messages and only emailing him urgent enquiries.  He was over the moon with this arrangement as it meant he wasn’t spending his holiday dealing with issues that could wait until he got home, nor was he worrying about missing anything important

This is the real advantage of working with a Virtual Assistant, we want to help businesses find the most cost effective solutions to help them when things get too busy or when they can’t be in the office, or they just need an extra pair of hands

Having a VA is a pay as you go service, so having someone on hand, who over time will get to know your business and your customers is ideal.  It also takes away the stress of being an employer and paying for holidays and sickness, which for small businesses is a perfect solution as quite often they require this sort of help, but don’t have the resources to employ long term

As well as providing an extra pair of hands, VAs can also help businesses fine tune their operations.  Having an objective observer to come in and help sort out issues and problems can prove invaluable.  Consider also an an audit of your systems and procedures,  VAs are great at evaluating work flow and operations to see if there are any adaptations that could be made to save time and money, or can even provide ideas on how to make money

New technologies make remote working and having a VA much more accessible, keeping costs down.  For information on what virtual services are available to you, please give Joanne a call on 07928 228764