What position are you in Business?
Those of you that know me will know I’m an avid Rugby League fan and enjoy nothing better on a Friday night than a good close game on the TV (Sad you might think !!)
Watching a recent game and seeing how, even though they all play very different roles, they couldn’t achieve success unless they played to their individual strengths and strived for the same thing….winning !
Running your own business isn’t that much different to being at the center of a game. You need to understand your capabilities, do what you’re trained/experienced in and surround yourself by others who are experts in their field.
In the last 18 months, I’ve come across so many businesses in different fields with different ‘whys’ and at different stages of their growth, but the ones that have taken the ‘huge’ step to out-source, even the slightest thing, show that they are serious about taking their business to another, exciting level because they’ve understood that they can’t do everything by themselves.
I’ve had the pleasure of owning a brilliant book written by Nigel Botterill of The Entrepreneurs Circle called “It’s all about change” and provided by The Best of Warrington. There is a paragraph on using VA’s that reads;
“Like all expansions of your business, it will take greater investment and commitment from you in the beginning. But ultimately, with the right assistant doing the right tasks, you’ll have the freedom to do what really matters – growing your wildly successful business”
What is important in your business is that you do what you set out to do in the beginning…..So in the words of Nike……Just Do it!
Network, ask for recommendations and surround yourself with the best people you can, why not have a “Virtual Team”?
For more information on how you could out-source or what a VA can help you with, contact Joanne on 07928 228764 or email joanne@executivevpa.co.uk
Why not leave a comment below to share how out-sourcing has helped your business